GD Item Assistant



    Item Assistant

    The real game is the loot we acquired along the way
    —Gorian, Discord

    Providing you with item storage to get rid of those pesky mules.
    Your items can be filtered based on their stats to find the best items for your character.

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Infinite item storage
Infite space for storing items lets you hoard all the items you want, without having to create mules.
Advanced filtering
Find matching items based on specific stats such as "Physical Resist" or "Elemental Damage"
Online backups
With the online backup feature, all of your items will be backed up to the cloud.
Buddy items
Add your buddies to Item Assistant and see which items your friends have for trading.
Playing on multiple PCs
If you're using Item Assistant on multiple PCs, the items will automatically synchronize between your computers.
Native language suppport
Item Assistant comes with the following languages supported:


  • English
  • Japanese
  • Chinese
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Polish

Not supported yet

  • Spanish
  • German
  • French
  • Czech
  • Italian
  • Viatnamese
  • Korean
How to install:
  1. First download the language pack inside the settings of Grim Dawn itself.
  2. Then enable it inside Item Assistant under "settings" and "language pack".

How to use

First time configuration

Need more help?

See the help page or click the Discord link inside Item Assistant.